Howie Carr: Charging Massachusetts veteran for defending himself is typical for hack DA
Imagine what would have happened to Scott Hayes if there wasn’t video of the unprovoked attack on him Thursday night by the pony-tailed, mask-wearing Hamas groupie in Newton?
The local Democrats were already sizing him up for an old-fashioned neck-tie party, a good solid Massachusetts frame-up in the finest tradition of Karen Read.
You’ve seen the video by now.
Scott Hayes, a 47-year-old Iraq War veteran, was knocked to the concrete sidewalk in Newtonville after an unhinged hippie named Caleb ran across traffic, into the path of oncoming cars, to physically assault someone who was peacefully opposing Nazi genocide of innocent Israeli civilians.
Getting tackled onto the pavement like that can kill you. It happened last year in California when a Muslim fiend knocked an elderly Jewish man to the ground with a megaphone. That peaceful protester died after his head hit the pavement.
Fortunately for Hayes, while he was on the ground, being brutally throttled by Ponytail, he came up with the equalizer. He used it. The Hamas hippie had forgotten the oldest lesson of them all.
Never bring a ponytail to a gunfight.
But this being Massachusetts, local Democrats knew instantly who was to blame. They charged Hayes not just with assault and battery with a dangerous weapon, but also with violating the constitutional rights of Ponytail.
Think about that one: defending yourself from assault by a member of a protected class is now apparently considered… a hate crime.
By Friday, that charge had been dropped. And grudgingly, the Middlesex prosecutors said they’d be filing… something or other… against Comrade Caleb, the filthy poster boy for anti-Semitic genocide.
You knew they were trying to Karen Read the victim when the district attorney herself, Marian Ryan, showed up after hours at the Newton PD. On a good day, she looks like the clone of Moe Howard of the Three Stooges.
This night, though, her cheap brown wig seemed a bit disheveled, leaving her looking more like Pete Rose’s twin sister. Surprisingly, given the late hour, Ryan was still somewhat coherent, as she babbled the usual woke nonsense about how it was too early to know whether the hippie screaming about “genocide” and “200,000 dead” was anti-Semitic.
You know the drill. Whenever Hamas or its groupies try to slaughter innocents, it’s always brushed off as the actions of “a lone wolf.” You know, “self-radicalized.” On cue, Ponytail’s father told the Newton cops that his mask-wearing son was “mentally unstable.”
No wonder Marian Ryan wanted to give Ponytail a big wet kiss.
Remember, this is the same Marian Ryan who for a year has been giving a good leaving-alone to all the rich Democrat politicians who were patronizing the high-end brothels in Cambridge and Watertown.
This is the same Marian Ryan who, when confronted with police reports about an illegal Haitian allegedly sexually assaulting an underage girl in one of the flophouses, did absolutely nothing. She instead allowed the welfare-collecting illegal to call a Lyft for a free ride to a different illegal-alien flophouse, in a different county.
Fact is, if you want to hide something real good, just stick it in one of Marian Ryan’s law books. Unless, of course, she gets the opportunity to try to railroad a MAGA-looking veteran from Framingham defending himself.
Hayes was brought to the Newton District Courthouse Friday. You may recall that courthouse as the crime scene where a Democrat judge let an illegal Dominican drug dealer out the back door so that ICE agents in the lobby couldn’t pick him up for deportation.
That judge was Shelley Joseph, former member of the Democrat State Committee from Brookline. Indicted by the feds, her case was broomed after Biden’s installation as president in 2021 because… professional courtesy.
Joseph, restored to the bench with full back pay, is now on the BMC circuit. The judge who heard Hayes’ case Friday was Jennifer Queally, a pampered puke from Weston. Before being nominated by Gov. Charlie Baker, she gave $600 to… Marian Ryan.
What an amazing coincidence!
The judge just happens to be a big fan of the DA who’s trying to frame the veteran whose only crime was trying to defend himself against a street thug.
But that $600 to Ryan was nothing compared to what the judge and her husband gave to the guy who gave the $207,000-a-year barely-part time job. Gov. Charlie Baker got $3,350, his lieutenant governor $850, and when it looked like Martha Coakley might become governor, Jen duked her almost a grand.
Altogether, Judge Queally and her husband gave $10,790 of their trust-fund money to local hacks. When she was nominated, she reported her spouse was a “family wealth director” at Morgan Stanley. In addition to their posh mansion in Weston, they own a vacation home.
Queally is a hack’s hack. When she applied for the judgeship, she listed her qualifications as a payroll patriot in Joe Early’s very ethical Worcester DA’s office, followed by a paid vacation in Parker’s Executive Office of Public Safety.
She claimed she had provided “strategic leadership” for the State Police.
And now she’s a judge. You can’t make this stuff up.
Queally was providing strategic leadership when Troop E was being run as a massive racketeering enterprise, with dozens of cops embezzling millions every year, when drug-dealing gal pals of the brass were hired as troopers and given plum assignments, when honest cops were routinely threatened with discipline if they refused to broom cases involving the junkie relatives of connected Democrat pols….
That was Judge Queally’s “strategic leadership” of the State Police. And now you are required to call her “Your Honor.”
You ask, did Judge Queally ever work in the Dreaded Private Sector?
Yes, she did. According to her Governor’s Council questionnaire, Her Honor used to be a waitress at the Belmont Country Club, in 1995.
On Friday, none of the hacks in Newton allowed Hayes to flee out the back door of the courthouse. That’s a courtesy reserved for illegal-alien Dominican career criminal drug dealers.
At least Queally cut Hayes’ bond from $50,000 to $5,000 cash. But it’s still outrageous that he was charged at all, given the video evidence of the unprovoked attack against him.
Ironically, this latest travesty of justice was unfolding on the same day that yet another scandal erupted at the agency to which Judge Queally provided such stellar “strategic leadership” — the Mass. State Police.
A recruit died in New Braintree after taking part in what was described as a “boxing training exercise.”
Nothing to see here, folks, move along…
It was just another day in the hackerama. Another botched frame-up of an innocent person, another suspicious death involving cops with all the badges invoking omerta bigtime.
Only one question remains:
Hos long until Karen Read is blamed for all these new scandals?
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